Apart from being the namesake of this blog, 'the claw' is what I refer to as a fail safe guaranteed to make women orgasm technique. It can be used 'DIY' or can be used by a partner on you. The latter is only better because you can experiment with more angles and positions, also you-the-woman can be free to relax and enjoy it, rather than having to work at it.

What the claw is trying to achieve is the pinnacle of orgasm - the combination of penetrative and external (or clitoral) orgasm happening simultaneously.
First things first - the claw is itself a 'penetrative' sexual manoevre, which means, don't just shove the two fingers in there first off, without getting the vagina prepared for penetration.
So, how do you do that?
Any number of foreplay techniques can work to get the vagina lubed up and wanting more, however if you're going with the claw, I'd suggest, starting with some over the clothes touching, as per my Week 1 challenge, then keep the the two middle fingers pulsing (not prodding or poking inside) but just pulsing in an intermittent rhythm on the outer edge of the labia. Keep the thumb in place on the bladder and apply some mild pressure. Go crazy, experiment, communicate, keep touching externally .. and always pulsing not prodding or rubbing.. until the vagina needs to be penetrated. At that point the two fingers can go in.
Once in, again, allow the fingers to pulse inside intermittently. In the breaks, keep the fingers still and wait for the vaginal muscles to respond. When they do - and they will! - the fingers should try to 'follow' where the muscle response came from and try to touch and pulse that muscle.
That magical place, some call it the g-spot, is actually a muscle wrapped around your bladder. So as a general rule, the two fingers are looking to reach where the bladder is.. i.e. as you go in the vagina, all the way to the 'back' and upwards slanting, towards the belly button. In other words, in the claw hand position, it's as if you're trying to get your middle two fingers to touch your thumb (through the skin and muscle).
N.B. about the g-spot... some women don't get to penetratively orgasm out of subconscious fear, I think, because the precursor to a full blown mofo of an orgasm is the feeling of needing to pee.. and internally you're thinking, aaah! I can't pee, must stop that sensation immediately - and so you don't allow yourself to orgasm. Because the g-spot muscle is wrapped around the bladder, it is quite natural that as it is stimulated, you may get the sensation that you want to pee.. let it go! You won't pee. At the most you will ejaculate - which is awesome and a whole nother story in itself.
Okay, so fingers are pulsing and responding to vaginal muscles. There will come a point where it is time to switch from this to a more push pull in/out action, kind of like what a penis does in sex. Create a consistent rhythm with this action, try to create a kind of suction cup action, so that air is pulled into the vagina as the fingers go in out in out in out...
Also note that while this is happening, your partner may notice that your vagina goes through various stages of lubrication and tightness. Quite natural, as you are stimulated and orgasm (once you get the claw happening beautifully, you will orgasm a few times through the process) there is a point where it becomes impossible to penetrate, often this happens after you've orgasmed and your juices go from thick and creamy to kind of thin and watery, not so juicy.. at this point the onus is on the man to allow you to consciously relax all your muscles (pain comes from tightness, so breathe out, aim to loosen up the muscles) and rest your weight on him and his hand.. the hand and fingers will take the weight (so you are free and relaxed to just let yourself go) and eventually the vagina will let the fingers in comfortably again..
This might make more sense when i tell you that the claw is best administered in standing position.. !
Yes, ideal first off claw position is both of you standing facing together, like in a hug. Your arms around his neck, knees bent slightly, rest your weight on him. He holding onto you and reaching down and underneath with the claw hand position.
This is HARD WORK for whoever is doing the claw.. love and kiss them after they do this for you, if done well, they will well deserve it.
Make sure they use their shoulder in getting that push pull in / out motion, make sure they keep up the steady rhythm.. they really need to push past tiredness and keep going with it... KEEP GOING is the key. The longer they can go, the more you will orgasm, and the deeper your orgasm will grow to.
So.. don't forget..
- pulse don't prod
- keep fingers outside until they are 'drawn' inside
- do this standing up the first time
- consciously keep your muscles relaxed - this is one time to switch off your pelvic floor muscles
- rest your body weight on your partner's body and hand.. this will help you relax, and will allow the air suction thing to start happening in your vagina
- if you feel like peeing, ignore it, go with it.. certainly do not worry about it or stop it!
All vaginas are different - if you feel aroused, but you just don't produce a lot of juice naturally, by all means go for lubricant - it's necessary and great in many cases. Try Durex Play or Skins.
I would only use it as a last case scenario though, only because lube can bypass the need to get either party in a sufficiently aroused state in order to make penetrative sex happen. If you lube something up you can get it in anything, whether you like it or want it to go in or not. But the body and vagina especially needs to be muscularly prepared and aroused and engaged to be penetrated. So only use lube when you really need it and not as a sexual 'short cut'.
Lastly, some alternative claw positions you can try:
- you lying down, knees up, feet flat, v-shape leg spread, man sits by your feet and goes in from there
- you on your knees, him sitting in front of you, arm reaching under
- you on all fours, head down, butt in the air, he comes from behind
Get creative, no hard and fast rules, see what works comfortably for you. That said, it is hard work, and the person doing the claw has to be committed to sore elbows and arms, it is a very selfless gift, and he (or you if you are doing it) has to really want to do it and then keep at it! it's a hard core exercise, with massive rewards of course!
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