I was reminded recently about how strongly I believe that sex is not exotic.
This sounds strange but to me it makes a lot of sense.
When you think about the resources (and there are many) that are available to you to help recharge and refocus your sexual self, improve your sex life with your partner etc there is often an underlying 'exotic' element about the 'teachings'. That to understand sexuality as something intrinsically human, intrinsically beautiful and part of living a 'lived' life means you must look to the East, to a guru or to India for lessons on Tantra, for example.
To me all this stuff is unnecessary 'exoticism' of a very simple and universal experience. The words themselves: 'tantra' or 'Sacred Sex' (capital letters) in their English definitions bear little connection to their original meanings. I've no doubt the terms were the common parlance of the day to describe the simple, universal experience that we could describe with a few simple words.
I'm not saying I disagree with the overall philosophy of tantra et al in fact on one level I see how beneficial it is to have an established, evangelical, opposing ideology to the 'sex is dirty' camp. At the very least to give people who've been brought up in the 'sex is dirty/naughty/bad' camp the opportunity to question their inherited beliefs on that score. However, what I am saying is that just as you don't need to be in a church to know god, you also don't need to know the meaning of tantra (or any other Sanskrit/Italian/exotic language word) to understand your sexual self.
For me, good sex, dare i say 'enlightened' sex requires only curiosity, time, dedication and trust. The trust is not just about trusting your partner, also about trusting yourself, trusting the physical parts of you (all of them) to be good, noble, beautiful, miraculous, functioning. (They all know what to do and will do it if you let them.)
The dedication is about making a commitment to yourself that you will know all the parts that make you and to your partner that you will learn how to connect with them at this basic, instinctual, magical level.
Time is turning off the TV a little earlier or making a date night.. all the stuff that sounded ridiculous and pathetic when you were 19 and couldn't ever imagine a time when sex would not be fascinating. It is also about taking time, being patient, not trying to win awards or get to the end first.
And curiosity, I've mentioned this a few times, this is about learning for learning's sake, for the sake of enlightenment, for reaching a higher plane of consciousness. A 'what happens if I do this?' attitude rather than a 'i must do it this way because this way always works' attitude.
Everything you need for fulfilling, enlightening sexual understanding is in you, you have it all already. You don't even really need to be reading this blog. If you are still reading, though, I'll say that what I aim to do here, is write about sex in as practical, non-exotic, non-idealised way possible. So you can hopefully come to see how accessible it is, how much 'in you' it already is, how you don't need to go to India to learn about it and how much you can discover with curiosity, dedication, time and trust!
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