
Tips, advice, info and weekly challenges for a more fulfilling sex life

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 6 - challenge

This week's challenge is brought to you by exhibitionism - which you may have read my earlier post on. As mentioned, while I'm not proposing any random acts of bizarre public nudity, what I am proposing is a night of show and tell with your partner. The opportunity to 'exhibit' your body, to 'perform' and to take pride in the display of your body.
Your performance could be anything you wish, anything that makes you feel awesome. Maybe it's just a slow undressing that you practice in the mirror before hand. My personal favourite at the moment is dance. Having become somewhat of a Zumba addict these last few months, I've been popping and shaking like crazy, and having an amazing time of it. Dance is such a great way to connect yourself to the physical you, to extend your flexibility, strength, and also to discover what parts you can move in isolation to the rest. Great party tricks.
I came home after a class one day and on my way to the shower, excitedly demonstrated a few of my newly learned moves to my man, and let's just say, he was mightily impressed!
It makes sense though, when you think back to the initial 'courting' stages of a relationship, it's all about performance, dancing together or for each other in a club and so on. Those opportunities get rarer over time as you replace the club circuit with the dinner party circuit or have kids or just become a little lazier in the 'performance' part of your relationship.
I recommend this week that you get a little naked groove going for your partner. If you need some tips, jump into a Zumba class for some inspiration, then get home, get your clothes off and demonstrate to your partner. Even if they don't look like the instructor's version of the moves, the act of undressing, of actively performing, of showing your body move in new ways, allowing your partner to look - all these things will definitely create some interest in the bedroom.
Happy exhibiting!

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